Artistic Curriculum
- AcCordamenti Atto Terzo, The Hub, Roma: Art Festival created and organized by me and Daniele Casolino with: DolcissimaBastarda (rope-art, bondage) – Miguel Gomez (video-music-bodypainting) – Black Bijou(dance-performance) – Francesco Ferrieri (recital) – Inanna Trillis (model-performance) – Marco Fioramanti (ritual performance) – BettyB Model (model-performance) – Daniele Casolino (music-video-poetry) – Cristiano Petrucci (Breaking Wood– music) – Andrea Coffami (reading) – Alessandro Altarocca (Breaking Wood– music) – Francesca Fini (performance – videoart) – Marco Casolino (photography-sculpture) – Sara Ben Ismail (model-performance) – Marco Colletti (digital art) – Pascale/Mannarino (painting) – Olga Coldfield Campofreda (reading) – Cassandra BlackStain (model-performance) – Sasha Alexander (photography) – ArteVivia (light sculpture) – Massimo Fiorini Mafio73 (paper sculpture) – Factory Altrarte Melappioni (collettiva artisti) – Pastiche Rivista – Paolo Battista (writer – painting) – Micaela Lattanzio (writing – painting) – Irma Alonzo (sculpture-painting-poetry) – Paolo Scarforne (painting- sculpture) – Rimmel lil etoile (model) – Agnese Fantozzi (photography)
- Interiora Horror Fest, Forte Prenestino, Rome: Meeting of Body Performance directed by Tiger Orchid. I performed for the first time “MATER CHORDARUM”
- London Fetish Weekend, London: During the biggest fetish event in London, I represented the performance “Corpi in Musica”
- Alone in the dark 2, Bracolo Gallery, Rome: Performance guerilla art project by Francesca Fini, with Francesca Fini, Tiger Orchid, Flavio Sciolé, DolcissimaBastarda. I represented for the first time the performance “The Lovers”, with Sara Ben Ismail and live music of Daniele Casolino.
- Accordamenti Act II, Ke Nako, Rome: event created and organized by me, with Lilith Primavera, Marco Casolino, Francesca Fini and Alessandra Celletti. I represented the performance “Flying Knots” with Alessandra Celletti at the piano and Betty La Bambola.
- Collaboration with Female Cut: I attended the event Female in March, organized by Female Cut, an association of women’s social advancement and the first organization of events for women.
- Fashion show with my Bondage and Rope-made Jewels: during this year I presented my collection of Rope-made Jewels and dresses in several clubs in Rome.
- London Alternative Market, Londra: I held the workshop “The art of ropework” in which I described my style of tying with ropes and I presented my collection of Rope-made Jewels. After, I performed “Corpo in Musica Atto II”.
- Ropes&Colors, HulaHoop Club, Roma: I organized this happening in which four painters painted my live performance with a tied model.
- Accordamenti, Mondrian Suite, Roma: event created and organized by me, where I engaged artists of various disciplines for a video art, music and performance show. The artists involved are: Marco Casolino, HER, FabiolaPrato. My works of Rope Art were exposed in an exhibition during the event.
- LegARTI, Lost&Found, Roma: I represented my performance during this event about bondage, created by Stefano La Forgia, which was attended by great European masters of Shibari, including Esinem, Wykd Dave and Andrea Ropes.
- Collaboration with Ladyfest: during the year I have held several workshops with LadyFest Rome, to explain the basic techniques of bondage, with particular attention to safety. Participation in LadyFest 2011 with workshops and performance “Corpo in Musica Atto II.”
- You Artist Talent, Roma: I competed with the performance “Eva 2.0″ (created with FrancescaFini, with costumes of Vivia and Mafio 73) and ”Corpo in Musica Atto II” with Sara Ben Ismail. Winner in the Performance section. In the jury, among others, Luciana Cameli and Max Papeschi.
- Fashion show with my Bondage and Rope-made Jewels: during this year I presented my collection of Rope-made Jewels in several clubs in Rome.
- Stage set design for Naif Herin, The Place, Roma: one of my pictures made with Francesco Sung Il Bechis is used as part of the set built by Mafio and Vivia for the concert of the singer Naif Herin.
- See Saw, Roma: See Saw is a collective made up of collective performance, on an idea by Riccardo Natili and Francesca Fini. For this event I attended the opening performance “Mommitaly” with MauroPetrarch and Sara Ben Ismail, costumes by Vivia, on an idea by Francesca Fini.
- Ten, Roma: performance art marathon inspired by digital culture. Event concept and art direction by Francesca Fini. I realized performance ”Eva 2.0″(created with Francesca Fini, with costumes of Vivia and Mafio 73) and “Corpo in Musica” with Inanna Trillis. Pictures of this event have been shown in an exhibition entitled ”Ten Reloaded” at the Gallery DegliZingari, edited by Luciana Cameli. I attended the opening of this exhibition with live performance of bondage.
- Verso il Diverso, Roma: I’ve done fashion bondage demonstration during this event organized by Bloody Cirkus, with artists and academics from across Europe.
- Collaborazione con Pop Porn: I participated in several editions of the Festival of Erotic Art PopPorn, organized by Ilaria Aquili, in which I presented the following performances: ”Corpo in Musica”, ”Victoria Cordis”, ”Dream of aMermaid”.
- Female Extreme Body Art, Roma: I attended this event organized by Extreme Gender Art, Kyrahm and Julius Kaiser, with the performance “Corpo in Musica” with Alia XXX.
- I’ve done bondage demonstration with MaestroBD, Kyrahm, AliaXXX in several clubs in Rome.
- In 2006 I followed a workshop of bondage held by MaestroBD.
Written about me
- Pulsional Gender Art, di Vitaldo Conte, Avanguardia 21 Edizioni, 2011
- Il volo dell’angelo – Pensare per immagini, a cura di Ferdinando Testa, Bonanno Editore, 2011 (vedi saggio dell’antropologa Desirèe Pangerc PRIGIONIA E LIBERAZIONE DEL CORPO: ANALISI ANTROPOLOGICA DI UN TABU’ DEL XXI SECOLO)